The curriculum emphasizes on both social work theory and social work practice to help students successfully develop social work professions and work for social work practice. The curriculum also helps students obtain the social work license. In the practice, the program integrates with resources in communities and collaborates with public sectors and non-profit organizations to promote social welfare projects.
Students have to complete the following foundation courses:Sociology, Psychology, Introduction to Social Work, Introduction to Social Welfare, Human Behavior in the Social Environment, Social CaseWork and Case Management, Social Group Work, Social Statistics, Community Work, Management, Research Method for Social Work, Project Program Design and Evaluation, Social Policy & Legislation, Social Work Management, Professional Practicum, Social Psychology, Social Welfare Administration, Process and Skills Approach to Helping, etc.
Elective courses are available for students to learn a variety of social work professions in order to work for different concentrations of social work after graduation. The courses include: Social Problems, Communication and Human Interaction in Work Settings, Child and adolescent Social Work, Medical Social Work, The Prevention of Sexual Harassment and Abuse, Gerontological Social Work, Psychiatric Social Work, Play Therapy, Non-profit Organization Management, Family Social Work, Family Therapy, Juvenile Delinquency and Probation Institution, Correction Social Work, The Prevention of Substance Abuse and Addictive Behaviors, School Social Work, Hospice Care and Social Work, Abnormal Psychology, Women Study, Long Term Care, Multicultural Social Work, etc.Non-profit Organization and Management, Forensic Social Work, Life Education, Social Welfare Policy Comparison, Social Welfare Legislation, Emotion and Stress Management, Interpersonal Relationship and Communication, Play Therapy, Family Therapy, Art Therapy, Career Development and Planning, Teenager Development and Counseling, Family Social Work, Volunteer Management, Psychiatric Social Work, Gerontology, Disability Social Welfare and Services, Family Assessment, Family Violence Prevention, Counseling Skills and Practice, Administrative Laws, etc.